How important is choosing the right pipe support manufacturer? It might seem like a minor decision at the beginning of a project. But as soon as things kick off, your manufacturer can be the difference between smooth sailing and complete...

- Carrie
- Feb 12, 2020
- Pipe Supports
When it comes to choosing and installing pipe supports, there may be more at stake than you realize. A mishap could mean project interruptions, on-site damages, injuries, and long-term losses. In fact, the oil and gas industry was hit by more than...
- Carrie
- Feb 05, 2020
- Pipe Supports
If you have an upcoming project, you’re probably wondering, “Do I really need quality pipe supports?” Is it worth investing in these sidekicks when they’re playing a supporting role?
- Carrie
- Jan 29, 2020
- Pipe Supports
You’ve planned out the perfect job. You’ve checked all the boxes. Now it’s time to pick a pipe support manufacturer.
It should be simple, right? Well, it’s wise not to rush this decision. A misstep in picking a supplier could be the difference...- Carrie
- Jan 08, 2020
- Pipe Supports, RFQ
Losing bids can be disheartening. And they aren’t just a disappointment. Every time you bid and don’t get the job it wastes time, money, and resources.
- Carrie
- Dec 30, 2019
- Pipe Supports
You probably already know how important it is to use quality pipe supports in your process piping system. But what does that mean? When you’re picking out the best supports for your system, how do you know the difference between quality products and...
- Carrie
- Dec 18, 2019
- Pipe Supports
A pipe support is a pipe support, right? Not exactly. The more you research pipe supports for your system, the more you’ll realize how much they can vary. Throughout that search, a common question comes up: Will I benefit from adjustable pipe...
- Carrie
- Nov 20, 2019
- Pipe Supports
Confusion in the piping industry is causing damage. Did you know? Corrosion alone has cost an estimated $2.5 trillion worldwide.
Unfortunately, misunderstanding pipe supports can result in more than just high costs: It can lead to leaks, on-site...
- Carrie
- Sep 03, 2019
- Pipe Supports
Blog-5 Qualities Customers Want in a Pipe Support Vendor
You’ve pinpointed your pipe support needs, and you’re ready to start shopping. On to the bidding process. The hard part’s over, right?
Not necessarily.
If you want to have a good customer...
- Carrie
- Aug 22, 2019
- Pipe Supports
When it comes to pipe supports, materials matter. They can be the difference between a longer-lasting system and on-site disasters. But when your vendor starts pitching you on a new product’s features, it’s easy to forget about a pipe support’s most...